WWE Smackdown Results December 6, 2013 Tulsa, Oklahoma Report by: Mike Tedesco of Wrestleview.com
“Then. Now. Forever.” The WWE video leads us into the show.
The Smackdown video plays, and we’re welcomed to the show by Michael Cole and JBL. Randy Orton’s music hits, and the WWE Champion makes his way to the ring. Orton gets in the ring and poses with the belt before taking a microphone. Orton says in ten days at TLC, it will be Champion versus Champion. John Cena’s World Heavyweight Championship and his WWE Championship will be up for grabs. Orton says he plans on proving to everyone in ten days that he is the Champion of Champions. He also wants to prove that he can overcome what John Cena did to him on Monday Night RAW. Orton then has the production crew roll a replay of John Cena assaulting him on Monday Night RAW with a ladder. Orton gained control through the use of a steel chair, but Cena eventually came back and sent Orton through two tables.
Orton says that even though he’s broken on the inside with strained ligaments, pulled tendons, and bruised bones, he’s not here whining and crying like every other superstar in the back would be. Orton says he’s here to tell everyone that he’s going to prove to the world that he is who he says he is in ten days: the greatest superstar of this generation. Orton says he’s not the most likeable of characters, but he doesn’t like anyone in the crowd either, so it doesn’t matter. He doesn’t like anyone in the back, and he never will. He also doesn’t like John Cena. Still, he does like and revere Stephanie McMahon and Triple H. The Authority has done wonders for this company. They truly know what’s best for business. Sometimes he feels like he doesn’t appreciate the generosity they have shown him. Orton says he takes some things they’ve done for him for granted. Orton says he wants to publically apologize not to any of the fans, anyone in the back, or his friends and family. Orton says he wants to apologize to the Authority.
Orton turns to leave the ring, but Daniel Bryan’s music hits, and he makes his way to the ring to a great reception from the crowd. Bryan gets in the ring, and he says that Orton should apologize to all of the people for pretending to be a champion. Out of all the title matches they’ve had, not once did Orton ever legitimately beat him. Just because the Wyatts have targeted him, Bryan hasn’t forgotten all the times Orton screwed him over. Bryan says he’s not done with Orton. Whoever wins the match at TLC and becomes Champion of Champions, as soon as they turn around, they’ll see Daniel Bryan waiting at the front of the line for a shot at that title. However, since they’re both out there, and he’s looking into the face of the WWE, Bryan feels like putting a knee right into it. Bryan asks if they should have a match right here tonight for old time’s sake. The crowd chants “YES,” but Orton declines. Bryan then asks the Oklahoma crowd if they want to see a match between them, and a huge “YES!” chant breaks out. Orton throws down the microphone and stares at Orton. Orton then leaves the ring without giving an answer.
-Commercial Break-
Vickie Guerrero has made it official: Daniel Bryan will take on Randy Orton later tonight.
Damien Sandow is the guest commentator for the next match. Sandow will face Big E Langston for the WWE Intercontinental Championship at WWE TLC.
Fandango w/ Summer Rae vs. Big E Langston
Fandango does a little jib before going for a lock up, but Langston gives him a back body drop. Langston hits a shoulder thrust in the corner before throwing him back into the corner and hitting a second. Langston goes for a third, but Fandango boots him in the face and slaps him. Langston then throws him out of the ring. Langston gets out of the ring, and Fandango takes him down with a clothesline at ringside. Fandango throws him into the ring and covers for a one count. Fandango punches away at him before doing a dance. Fandango kicks him in the head a few times before applying a front face lock. Langston quickly fights up and powers out. Fandango forearms him in the face, but Langston comes back with a pair of clotheslines and a belly-to-belly suplex. Langston hits a big splash before pulling down the straps. Fandango comes back with a kick to the face followed by a running boot to the skull. Fandango goes to the top rope, but Langston pulls him down. Langston avalanches him in the corner and follows up with the Big Ending for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Big E Langston Match Rating: 1/2 *
Damien Sandow gets in the ring after the match finishes, and he taunts Langston before pointing at the title. Langston challenges him to come and grab it, but Sandow doesn’t move. Langston then holds the championship up above his head. Sandow leaves the ring.
CM Punk will take on a member of The Shield later tonight.
-Commercial Break-
Cody Rhodes and Goldust vs. Curtis Axel and Ryback
Cody Rhodes will start the match against Ryback. They lock up, and Ryback quickly knees him in the midsection before clubbing him in the back. Ryback whips him into the ropes, but Rhodes slides through his legs and kicks him in the knee and face. Goldust is tagged in, and they punch Ryback in the ribs. Goldust punches him down before dropping an elbow for a two count. Ryback military presses Goldust and drops him on the top rope for a near fall. Ryback hits a body slam before going to the second rope and tagging in Curtis Axel. Ryback hits a second rope splash, and Axel follows up with an elbow drop from the second rope. Axel picks up a two count. Axel kicks away at him in the corner before tagging in Ryback. Axel hits a running back elbow, and Ryback follow up with a clothesline in the corner. Ryback picks up a near fall. Ryback puts Goldust in the corner, and he tags in Axel. Axel punches away at him before ripping at his mouth. Axel applies a chin lock, but Goldust fights up. Axel quickly knees him and sends him in the ropes. Goldust holds on to the ropes as Axel attempts a dropkick. Goldust quickly follows up with a jackknife pin for a two count. Axel then runs into a powerslam.
Rhodes is tagged in, and he hits a springboard missile dropkick on Axel. Rhodes hits a clothesline and an uppercut before going for a Disaster Kick, but Axle moves out of the way. Axel kicks him before whipping him to the corner. Rhodes then catches him with a rollup for a two count. Axel pops to his feet and charges, but Rhodes sidesteps him, causing Axel to hit the ring post shoulder first. Rhodes then goes to the top rope, and he hits a moonsault block, but Ryback breaks up the pinfall. Goldust runs in, and he clotheslines Ryback out of the ring. Rhodes rolls out of the ring, and he catches Ryback with a Disaster Kick off the commentary table. Rhodes then gets in the ring, and Axel rolls him up for the win!
Winner by Pinfall: Curtis Axel and Ryback Match Rating: * 1/2
-Commercial Break-
#BadNewsBarrett Segment
Wade Barrett is at ringside for another “Bad News Barrett” segment. The crowd boos, and Barrett thanks them for a warm Oklahoma welcome. He says it would be very easy for him to come out and give them the news that they would like to hear. Barrett says he could tell them that they’re important, beloved, and valued, but he’s not going to do that because he’s got some bad news. They’re none of the above. In fact, they’re cowardly, gullible sheep that are ultimately going to follow one another to the slaughter.
Alberto Del Rio vs. Kofi Kingston
A replay is shown of Sin Cara (II) defeating Alberto Del Rio on Monday Night RAW. Del Rio is seen angrily watching the replay in the ring. As Kingston poses on the turnbuckle, Del Rio attacks him, causing him to fall out of the ring. Del Rio viciously whips Kingston into the barricade before kicking and punching away at him. Del Rio throws him into the ring, and he waits for Kingston to get to his feet. This match has yet to start. Del Rio then kicks Kingston in the face. Del Rio slaps him a few times with his towel before yelling at the crowd. Del Rio then applies the Cross Arm Breaker. Kingston screams in pain as a second referee comes out to try and pull Del Rio away. Del Rio eventually releases the arm before leaving the ring.
A replay is shown of CM Punk being speared at ringside by Roman Reigns two weeks ago on Monday Night RAW. They then gave him the Triple Powerbomb.
The Shield is shown backstage. Roman Reigns says CM Punk can’t put them to sleep or touch them. If he had his way, he’d hit Punk with one spear and break every rib in his body. Seth Rollins tells Reigns to take it easy. They want to hurt CM Punk, but not so bad that he can’t make it to TLC so all of them can have a hand in finishing the job. Rollins says they have a responsibility to show the WWE Universe what happens when you don’t believe in The Shield. Reigns says whoever faces Punk should be a cutthroat who can end any match quickly. Reigns says they’re dealing with the Best in the World. It’ll take the baddest man in The Shield to take him out. Dean Ambrose says it should be him then.
-Commercial Break-
CM Punk vs. Dean Ambrose
The crowd chants for CM Punk as they stare at one another. They circle the ring and lock up. Punk applies a side headlock and takes him down. Ambrose applies a head-scissor, but Punk kips up out of it. Punk then hits another headlock takeover. Ambrose fights up and twists out. Punk whips Ambrose off and leapfrogs him. Punk sends him into the ropes, but Ambrose holds on and avoids a roundhouse kick. Ambrose then runs into a boot. Punk hits a bunch of running leg drops for a one count. Punk punches him in the face, but Ambrose soon pushes him into the ropes and knees away at him. Ambrose puts him in the corner and rubs his elbow in Punk’s face. Ambrose then hits a short-arm clothesline for a two count. Ambrose quickly follows up with a chin lock. Punk fights up and whips Ambrose off. Punk then catches him with a jumping heel kick. Punk then hits a pair of clotheslines and tries for a neckbreaker, but Ambrose avoids it. Punk then catches him with a GTS attempt, but Ambrose elbows him in the injured ribs. Punk gets him on his shoulders again, but Ambrose grabs the top rope. Punk slings Ambrose to the apron and goes for a roundhouse, but Ambrose jumps off the apron.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Ambrose stomp Punk on the injured ribs. Ambrose drops an elbow for a two count. Ambrose hits some jabs before covering for another two count. Ambrose wrenches the arm and applies a hammerlock. Ambrose applies a chin lock, but Punk elbows out. Ambrose quickly takes him down with a clothesline for a near fall. Ambrose talks a little trash before backing up to the corner. Ambrose slowly goes to the top rope and tries for a diving senton splash, but Punk moves out of the way.
Punk springboards off the apron with a clothesline for a two count. Ambrose goes to the corner, and Punk catches him with a high knee to the jaw and follows up with a short-arm clothesline for a two count. Punk signals for his elbow drop, but Ambrose cuts him off. Ambrose then counters a swinging neckbreaker into a backslide pin for a two count. Ambrose immediately applies a Fujiwara arm bar, but Punk fights up. Ambrose counters out of a GTS and then applies a sleeper hold. Punk counters with a snapmare and applies the Anaconda Vice. Ambrose claws his way to the bottom rope and puts his foot underneath, breaking the hold. Punk body slams him down and goes to the top rope. Ambrose gets to his feet and punches Punk on the top rope. Ambrose then connects with a double-arm superplex for a near fall. Ambrose then goes back to the Fujiwara arm bar in the middle of the ring. Punk takes some time before clawing his way to the bottom rope. Ambrose yells at the referee, and Punk rolls him up for a near fall. Punk then connects with a roundhouse kick for another near fall.
Punk signals for the GTS, but Ambrose slides off. Ambrose goes for the Headlock Driver, but Punk pushes him off and goes for the GTS again. Ambrose slides off again and sends Punk shoulder first into the ring post. Ambrose then rolls him up and grabs the tights, but Punk kicks out at two and a half. Ambrose talks a little trash before picking him up. Ambrose goes for the Headlock Driver, but Punk kicks him in the face and connects with a GTS for the win!
Winner by Pinfall: CM Punk Match Rating: **
Rey Mysterio is backstage with Renee Young. Renee asks what it would mean to any WWE superstar to hold both championships at one time. Mysterio says there is a lot of pressure holding either title. To be recognized as the Champion of Champions, that puts a test to any man’s fortitude. Zeb Colter comes up to him with the Real Americans, and he says he has a citizenship test for Mysterio. Colter asks why he wears a mask. Colter wonders who Mysterio is hiding from. Since he’s never seen any formal declaration of papers, Mysterio’s title reigns should be stricken from the record books. Mysterio says he is a 619er, and he was born and raised in San Diego. The only things that should be stricken from this arena are the three hypocrites in front of him. Colter then challenges him on behalf of the Real Americans. The Real Americans versus Rey Mysterio and a partner of his choosing. We the people!
Daniel Bryan will face WWE Champion Randy Orton in a non-title match later tonight.
-Commercial Break-
Natalya vs. Tamina Snuka w/ AJ Lee
AJ Lee joins Michael Cole and JBL on commentary. Natalya quickly applies a headlock, but Tamina powers her off. Natalya applies a waistlock, but Tamina grabs the ropes and pushes Natalya off. Natalya quickly hits a discus clothesline for a two count. Natalya rolls to the apron, and she shoulders Tamina. Tamina quickly comes back with a knee to the face before sending her into the ring post. Tamina leaves the ring, and she drives Natalya into the ring apron. Tamina throws her into the ring and covers for a two count. Tamina applies a modified chin lock before transitioning to a surfboard. Natalya fights up and flips out before kicking her in the face. Tamina powers her into the corner and stomps her down. Natalya sidesteps her as she tries for an avalanche. Natalya clotheslines her in the corner and hits a snapmare before hitting a low dropkick to the face. Natalya then rolls her up for a two count. Natalya goes for a Sharpshooter, but Tamina pushes her off and hits a Samoan Drop. Tamina then goes to the top rope, but Natalya avoids the Superfly Splash. Natalya then pins her for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Natalya Match Rating: *
The Funkadactyls try to prove that they’re the best “Sales-Divas” in the company.
Zeb Colter is walking backstage with the Real Americans. They’ll face Rey Mysterio and a partner of his choosing, next.
-Commercial Break-
The Real Americans w/ Zeb Colter vs. Rey Mysterio and Big Show
Big Show will start the match against Jack Swagger. They lock up, and Big Show powers him to the corner before chopping the chest. Mysterio is tagged in, and he hits a low dropkick to the groin. Mysterio goes to the second rope and hits a diving hurricanrana. Mysterio slides through the legs and kicks him. Mysterio goes for a wheelbarrow bulldog, but Swagger counters into a German suplex. Swagger punches him down and tags in Antonio Cesaro. Cesaro kicks him before shoving his boot in his face. Swagger is tagged back in, and he punches away at Mysterio. The referee backs Swagger off, and Cesaro snaps Mysterio off the top rope. Swagger applies a front face lock, but Mysterio punches out. Mysterio elbows both of the Real Americans and tries to tag in Big Show, but Swagger stops him and slides him out of the ring. Mysterio hits the floor sternum first. Cesaro is then tagged in, and he hits a running knee to the ribs. Cesaro then throws him into the ring and covers for a two count. Swagger is tagged back in, and he talks some trash to Mysterio. Mysterio punches back at him, but Swagger pushes him off. Mysterio then kicks him in the face and hits a head-scissor into a DDT. Cesaro is tagged in, and he goes to knock Big Show off the apron, but Big Show throws him back.
Big Show is tagged in, and he hits a pair of clotheslines on Cesaro before hitting a giant back body drop. Swagger tries to attack him, but Big Show just pushes him out of the ring. Big Show catches Cesaro with a butt bump in the corner, and he follows up with a spear. Swagger breaks up the pinfall. Mysterio then dropkicks him into the ropes. Mysterio then connects with the 619. Big Show then Chokeslams Cesaro down. Mysterio is tagged in, and he stands on Big Show’s shoulders and hits a splash on Cesaro for the win.
Winners by Pinfall: Rey Mysterio and Big Show Match Rating: * 1/2
WWE Champion Randy Orton will battle Daniel Bryan later tonight.
-Commercial Break-
They show a video highlighting some of the great World Champions of the last fifty years. A clip is then shown of Triple H talking about the unification match being one of the biggest things to ever happen.
#BadNewsBarrett Segment
Wade Barrett says he actually has some good news. After the TLC PPV, we are guaranteed to only have one champion. That man will stand on a precipice so high that he will breathe rarified air. He will be the Champion of Champions. However for that man, he has some bad news. He will have a target painted on his chest. He will be hunted like a rabid wolf. He will be punched and pummeled from every angle. Traps will be laid for this man. This man will be the envy of the locker room. As such, he is doomed to destruction. Barrett thanks everyone very much.
Daniel Bryan’s music hits, and he makes his way to the ring to a great reception from the Oklahoma crowd. He’ll face the WWE Champion Randy Orton, next.
-Commercial Break-
Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton
They circle the ring and lock up. Bryan gets him in the corner, but Orton soon turns him. They then tussle a bit to get position, but they eventually have to break up. Orton kicks him and applies a side headlock, but Bryan whips him off. Orton takes him down with a shoulder block before hitting the ropes. Bryan then connects with a knee to the midsection. Bryan kicks away at him in the corner before hitting a right hand. Orton head-butts him a few times before Bryan fights back. Bryan connects with some more kicks before attempting to hyperextend his elbow. Bryan kicks Orton in the shoulder before trying to hyperextend the elbow again. Bryan kicks him and tries to work the arm some more, but Orton counters into his patented backbreaker for a two count. Orton stomps the face before circling around him and going for a knee drop, but Bryan moves. Bryan kicks away at his legs before sending him into the ropes. Orton holds on to the ropes to avoid a roundhouse kick. Bryan then dropkicks him over the top rope. Bryan goes for a suicide dive, but Orton runs away and hides by Lilian Garcia.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Orton drop a knee for a two count. Orton then applies an arm bar. During the commercial break, Orton sent Bryan into the steel steps. Bryan fights up and elbows out. Bryan hits the ropes, and Orton turns him inside out with a knee to the midsection for a near fall. Orton then stomps the midsection before stepping on him. Orton hits a suplex for a two count, and he then goes right to the chin lock. Bryan fights up, but Orton head-butts him to the corner. Orton whips him to the opposite corner, but Bryan backflips over him, ducks a clothesline, and hits a running lariat. Bryan gets pumped up, and he hits a pair of running dropkicks in the corner. Bryan kicks away at him and puts him on the top rope for a super hurricanrana. Bryan covers for a near fall.
Bryan sends Orton into the ropes, but he lowers his head and eats a kick. Orton charges, but Bryan pulls the top rope down. Orton flies out of the ring. Bryan then takes him out with a suicide dive. Bryan puts him in the ring, and he goes to the top rope. Orton gets to his feet, and Bryan drops him with a missile dropkick. Bryan kips up and viciously kicks away at his chest. Orton then ducks a roundhouse and hits a powerslam for a near fall. Orton gets to his feet, and he connects with a hanging DDT off the second rope. Orton soaks in some boos from the crowd before dropping down to signal for the RKO. Bryan counters into a backslide pin for a near fall. Bryan then takes him out with a roundhouse kick to the head. Bryan goes to the top rope, and the Wyatt Family appears on the screen for a moment before the lights in the arena go out!
When the lights come back on, Luke Harper and Erick Rowan are standing at the front of the ramp. Bryan gets off the top rope and stares at them. Orton then pushes him from behind and hits an RKO for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Randy Orton Match Rating: **
Bray Wyatt appears on the titantron making “tick tock” noises. Wyatt says he doesn’t mean to keep haunting Bryan like this, but how many times must he cross the burning bridge before he realizes that he doesn’t have to fight this war alone? Wyatt’s poison is already running through his veins. Bryan knows what they are. At TLC, Bryan will finally realize what he is. Wyatt tells Bryan to join them.