WWE Monday Night RAW Results April 28, 2014 St. Louis, Missouri Results by: Mike Tedesco of Wrestleview.com
Adam Martin: Dave has internet issues. Live results will being shortly on a slight delay. I will be covering the first hour of the show and Mike Tedesco will be taking over.
The show opens with a video package of The Wyatt Family attacking John Cena last week.
We are live in St. Louis. A steel cage is surrounding the ring. John Cena's music hits and he makes his way out with another very loud mixed reaction. Cena enters the cage and grabs a mic. He asks why. "Why? Why did you along with the 11 million people that downloaded the WWE app, when you were given a choice, why did I deserve last week? Why?" Cena said as the votes came in, the WWE Universe overwhelming gave him no chance and he was forced to face all three members of the Wyatt Family. He talks about 10 years ago in this same city of St. Louis, he was drafted to Monday Night RAW. Cena said he got the loudest ovation of his entire career that night. "But I guess now times have changed. I don't fault you guys for that. The WWE Universe has changed." He said through good and bad, he has never abandoned anyone and has always put the WWE first. Cena again asks why. He knows at some point he will step aside and he feels positive about the future with Roman Reigns, Cesaro, Seth Rollins and Daniel Bryan. Cena said Bray Wyatt only cares about himself and says if Wyatt escapes the cage on Sunday, so does Wyatt's message.
The Wyatt Family sounder hits to cut off Cena. A child is singing "He's Got The Whole World In His Hands" as a spotlight shines on Cena. The audience in St. Louis sings along. The lights come on and we see a choir of children singing the song on top of the stage. The lights go out and Bray Wyatt takes over signing the song as he walks out with Erick Rowan and Luke Harper. Wyatt has the kids sing along with him walking down the ramp towards the ring. He calls for the whole Cenation to sing along. The kids surround the ring. The lights go out again. When they come back on, all of the kids are wearing Rowan's mask.
-Commercial Break-
WWE Tag Team Championship Match The Uso (c's) vs. Ryback and Curtis Axel
We start with Jimmy Uso and Curtis Axel. Axel backs Jimmy to the corner and gets in a quick chop. Jimmy fires back with a chop. Tag to Ryback. Ryback pie faces Jey who gets the tag. Jey fires back with right hands. Ryback with a scoop slam and misses a splash. Tag to Jimmy and double superkick from The Usos. They toss Ryback out and then level Axel when he jumps in. Axel rolls out. The Usos connect with a double dive over the top rope over Ryback and Axel. Jey favors his ankle as we go to a commercial.
-Commercial Break-
Back live, Axel is working over Jimmy keeping him grounded. Jey is still favoring his ankle on the outside. Jey fights his way up to the corner favoring his ankle. Quick tags between Axel and Ryback. Ryback with a press slam on Jimmy. Ryback and Axel have Jimmy up top. Jimmy with headbutts to both. Jimmy tosses Axel over Ryback. Hot tag to Jey. Jey comes off the top rope with a cross body on Axel for a two count. Jey with big rights to Axel. Jey with a superkick to Ryback and Samoan Drop to Axel. Jey continues to favor his ankle as he backs up, charges and splashes Axel in the corner. Tag to Ryback. Axel with a back suplex on Jey and Ryback follows with a spinebuster. Ryback fires himself up. Jey catches Ryback with a big superkick, hooks the leg and Ryback kicks out. Jey with chops to Ryback. Ryback fires back with a clothesline. Jey counters Shell Shocked into a close roll up for two. Tag to Axel. Jey with a superkick to Ryback. Jimmy is up top, jumps, Axel with a Perfect Plex on Jey into a bridge, Jimmy catches Axel with a splash and gets the pinfall.
Winners and still WWE Tag Team Champions: The Usos
-Commercial Break-
Another promo for Adam Rose airs. He debuts next week.
Backstage, Paul Heyman is with Cesaro. Heyman is upset with Rob Van Dam, but adds that RVD is right: he is a liar and is ruthless. He said he takes his clients to the top. Cesaro shakes hands with Heyman and says that is all he needed to hear.
Footage is shown of Kane's attack on Daniel Bryan last week.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Kane’s mask locked in a glass box.
Sheamus is making his entrance for a match when Titus O’Neil, his opponent, ambushes him from behind. O’Neil, who said on the WWE App that we would see a new him, throws Sheamus into the barricade a few times before throwing him into the ring post. O’Neil puts him in the ring and punches him before the referee backs him up. The referee checks on Sheamus to see if he’s ok, and Sheamus tells him to start the match.
Sheamus vs. Titus O’Neil
O’Neil immediately pounces on Sheamus at the sound of the bell. O’Neil drives him to the opposite corner and punches away at him before giving him some knees in the face. The referee backs him up, and Sheamus comes out of nowhere with a desperation Brogue Kick. Sheamus slumps over him for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Sheamus Match Rating: 1/4 *
They show a graphic of the Twitter war featuring Dolph Ziggler and Hugh Jackman against Damien Sandow. Hugh Jackman will be out, next.
-Commercial Break-
No one ever got rich sitting in the passenger seat. You have to take the wheel, take charge, and Bo-Lieve!
Dolph Ziggler is in the ring, and he thanks the WWE Universe for the nice hand. Ziggler says this is his favorite time of the year. The weather gets a little warmer, the babes look a little hotter, the bikinis get a little tighter, and the superheroes return to the screen. He’s talking about full-on mayhem with explosions and wall-to-wall actions, but enough about his actions on Saturday night. He’s talking about the new X-Men movie, “Days of Futures Past.” They then air a trailer for the movie.
Ziggler says it looks pretty good. Ziggler then asks the WWE Universe to join him in welcoming back to Monday Night RAW, Wolverine himself, Hugh Jackman. Hugh Jackman comes out to some generic music and a nice reception. Jackman high fives some fans on the way to the ring, and he shakes hands with Ziggler in the ring. Jackman says “St. Louis” a few times for a cheap pop. Jackman says it’s great to be back on Monday Night RAW. He loved hosting a few years back. He’s done some big things in his career, but this is one of the biggest, most exciting shows out there. He loves that anything can happen, and something always does. Ziggler says it’s funny he should say that because something happened to him the last time he was there. They then show a replay from September 2011 when Jackman laid Ziggler out with a right hand. Jackman said he wasn’t going to bring it up. Ziggler says Jack Swagger kicked him harder than that. If you’re going to get punched out, it might as well be by a huge superhero. It also got Ziggler some national exposure. They then “bury the hatchet” and shake hands.
Damien Sandow comes out to some stock superhero music in a lame costume. Sandow says he is Magneto, the master of magnetism. He is pleased to announce that for the first time, someone who is actually intelligent is portraying the greatest mastermind in cinema. Sandow is here so that the inferior insects of the WWE Universe can see him in all his greatness. Sandow asks for silence, as he is not finished. Sandow sees all of them trembling at the sight of him, and he looks in the ring to see a blonde half-wit trembling not because of him, but because he’s star struck. Sandow says Ziggler looks ridiculous. Ziggler mentions that Sandow tripped on his cape. Sandow says this isn’t a joke, and he calls Jackman “Wolverine.” Sandow says Jackman is supposed to be a mutant. Sandow says he doesn’t know what that makes Ziggler, but he’s out here acting like his hair color. Sandow says the two of them will meet the same fate. Jackman wonders what that means, and Ziggler doesn’t know.
The crowd chants, “Knock him out,” and Sandow tells them not to tell him what to do. Jackson asks if Sandow made the costume. Jackman takes a look at the costume, and Sandow asks if he’s done. Jackman says he is. Sandow tells them to behold the power of magnetism. Jackman will not say another word. Jackman says he’s faced the real Magneto, and this guy doesn’t measure up. Sandow tells them to behold his power again, and Sandow makes a motion. They play a sound effect, and Jackman pretends like the microphone is coming out of his hand. Jackman then stops playing, throws the microphone at Sandow, and gives him a hip toss. Ziggler then hits Sandow with the Zig-Zag. Jackman and Ziggler celebrate in the ring as the crowd gives them a nice hand.
They show a video from last week when Evolution and The Shield had a standoff. It then goes to Friday Night Smackdown where The Shield took out six of the eleven men they were supposed to face in the main event. Evolution and The Shield will fight at Extreme Rules.
Roman Reigns will face Randy Orton in the main event of the evening.
-Commercial Break-
They show some highlights from the debate between Paul Heyman and Zeb Colter on Friday Night Smackdown.
Jack Swagger w/ Zeb Colter vs. Cesaro w/ Paul Heyman
Paul Heyman comes out, and the crowd boos him. Heyman says this is not the affirmation he was expecting. Heyman says the crowd is taking the whole advocate/manager/agent thing too far. Heyman says he’s the father of two small children. His kids think he’s jovial and funny. Heyman says he really is a funny guy. Heyman says he’s going to start this over, and the crowd boos again. Heyman says he’s going to tell the crowd a joke. Heyman starts a “Knock-Knock” joke, and they ask who is there. Heyman says, “Mike,” and they respond, “Mike who?” Heyman says, “My client, Brock Lesnar, conquered the Undertaker’s undefeated streak at WrestleMania!” The crowd boos, and Heyman says he won’t bring it up again. Heyman then says that his client, Cesaro, won the André the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. He is the “King of Swing,” Cesaro!
They circle the ring, and Swagger takes him down with a waistlock takeover. Cesaro fights up, and they fight into a deadlift gutwrench suplex. Cesaro rolls through, and he repeats the same move. That is some power. Swagger gets out of the ring to recover, and Cesaro kicks him in the face. Cesaro goes to the second rope, and he takes Swagger down with a sledge to the face on the outside. Swagger reverses a whip into the barricade and knees him in the midsection before clubbing the back. Swagger puts him in the ring for a two count. Swagger sends him shoulder first into the ring post before pulling him out for a short-arm clothesline. Swagger under-hooks the arms. Colter and Heyman are seen at ringside watching closely. Cesaro fights up, and Swagger punches him a few times. Swagger sends him into the ropes, but he lowers his head and eats an uppercut. Cesaro misses a clothesline, and Swagger big boots him for a two count. Swagger sends him back into the ropes, but he misses a clothesline, and Cesaro takes him down with a suplex.
Cesaro picks Swagger up, and Swagger pushes him into the ropes. Colter grabs the legs of Cesaro, and Cesaro yells at him. Heyman then comes around and grabs Colter by the mustache. Swagger tries to grab Heyman, and Cesaro capitalizes with a German Suplex with a bridge for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Cesaro Match Rating: *
They show a replay from earlier in the evening when Bray Wyatt came out to the ring with a chorus of children singing, “He’s Got The Whole World In His Hands.” When the lights came back on, the children were all in sheep masks.
John Cena is walking backstage when Renee Young stops him. She asks for his reaction, and he gives her the silent treatment before walking off.
-Commercial Break-
Kane’s mask in a glass box is seen again in what is assumed to be The Authority’s office.
Alberto Del Rio vs. Cody Rhodes w/ Goldust
They show a replay of Cody Rhodes walking off on Goldust last Monday on RAW following a loss to The Usos.
The bell rings, and Del Rio attacks Rhodes as he was handshaking his brother. Rhodes turns him in the corner and stomps him down. Rhodes runs into a boot, and Del Rio gives him a suplex for a one count. Del Rio has a whip reversed, and Rhodes clotheslines him down. Rhodes hits a body slam for a one count. Rhodes wrenches the arm and executes a takedown before applying an arm bar. Del Rio fights up, and Rhodes backs him to the corner. Del Rio comes back with a right hand. Del Rio clubs him in the head before hitting a back suplex for a near fall. Del Rio then applies a chin lock. Rhodes fights up and elbows out. Del Rio comes back with a right hand. Rhodes flips through a back suplex, and he dropkicks him down.
Rhodes misses a clothesline, and Del Rio catches him with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for a near fall. Del Rio kicks him in the back and covers for a two count. Del Rio goes back to the chin lock. Rhodes fights up and whips him off before giving him an uppercut. Rhodes then hangs him up on the ropes and kicks him in the midsection. Rhodes goes to the top rope, and Del Rio punches him in the midsection midair. Del Rio kicks him in the shoulder before applying the Cross Arm Breaker. Rhodes tries to fight it, but he eventually has no choice but to tap out.
Winner by Submission: Alberto Del Rio Match Rating: *
Goldust tries to talk with his brother, but Rhodes walks ahead of him.
Stephanie McMahon will apologize to Daniel Bryan about the attack from Kane last week on RAW.
-Commercial Break-
Cesaro is seen talking with Paul Heyman backstage, but we cannot hear what they’re saying.
“The Ravishing Russian,” Lana, is introduced to the stage. Lana speaks Russian before saying power cannot be earned. It can only be taken by those destined to wield it. The foolish Americans will see why resistance is futile. She tells the crowd to rise in reverence for Alexander Rusev.
Xavier Woods w/ R-Truth vs. Alexander Rusev w/ Lana
The bell rings, and Woods dropkicks him to no avail. Woods tries to stumble him with some punches, but they don’t work either. Woods goes for a wheelbarrow bulldog, but Rusev counters into a vicious slam. Lana tells him to crush Woods. Rusev goes to apply the Accolade, but R-Truth runs in to break it up.
Winner by Disqualification: Alexander Rusev Match Rating: 1/4 *
Rusev comes back with some punches before running into an elbow. Rusev charges, and R-Truth pulls the top rope down to get him out of the ring. Rusev gets on the apron, and Woods dropkicks him. Rusev hangs on until Woods whips R-Truth into him with a jumping calf kick. Rusev falls to the floor, and Lana orders him to stay back. Rusev obliges.
Michael Cole talks about how tomorrow is “World Wish Day.” Earlier today, John Cena granted his 402nd, 403rd, and 404th wishes today. They show a video of the event. The children are then seen at ringside. They are really jacked up to be there.
Renee Young is backstage with Rob Van Dam. Young asks what his mindset is heading into the match against Bad News Barrett. RVD says he’s held the Intercontinental Championship six times, but seven is his lucky number. RVD says Barrett likes to deliver bad news, but he’ll receive some tonight from Rob Van Dam. Zeb Colter walks up, and he says that they have a common enemy in Paul Heyman. Sometimes common enemies make for spectacular alliances. Since RVD doesn’t like Heyman, and Colter can’t stand the ground that he walks on, Colter suggests that they work together to get rid of their common enemy. RVD thanks him for the offer, but he has a mind of his own so RVD turns him down. RVD says he’ll just continue being himself before walking off.
-Commercial Break-
Jack Swagger is seen talking with Zeb Colter backstage, but we cannot hear what they’re saying.
Los Matadores vs. Heath Slater and Drew McIntyre w/ Jinder Mahal and Hornswoggle
Diego will start the match against Drew McIntyre. McIntyre punches and uppercuts him, but Fernando soon comes back with a hurricanrana. McIntyre comes back with a takedown, and Heath Slater is tagged in. Slater punches away at him before sending him into the ropes. Slater misses a clothesline, and Fernando hits a springboard back elbow. Diego is tagged in, and he hits a slingshot senton. Diego puts him in the corner and chops the chest. Diego hits a head-scissor takeover followed by an arm bar. Jinder Mahal separates El Torito and Hornswoggle. El Torito gores him, and Mahal grabs him by the horns. Diego dropkicks him, and Fernando separates Hornswoggle and El Torito. Slater then grabs Diego and DDTs him for the win.
Winners by Pinfall: Heath Slater and Drew McIntyre Match Rating: *
Hornswoggle dives off the apron for El Torito, but he misses. Hornswoggle is down and out. El Torito then takes 3MB down with a top rope plancha to the outside.
Stephanie McMahon will publically apologize to Daniel Bryan for Kane’s assault last week, next.
-Commercial Break-
Sheamus will face Bray Wyatt on WWE Main Event live on the WWE Network tomorrow.
Stephanie McMahon publically apologizes to Daniel Bryan
Stephanie McMahon makes her way to the ring as they show replays of Kane’s attack on Daniel Bryan last week. McMahon sadly says what happened last week was a senseless tragedy. She tried to stop Kane, but the demon is unstoppable. McMahon wants to make it up to Daniel Bryan if he’ll come out to the ring. Bryan doesn’t come out at first, and McMahon asks again with tears in her eyes.
Daniel Bryan’s music hits, and he comes out to the stage in a neck brace. His wife, Brie Bella, is at his side doing a YES! Taunt. Bryan does not look like he is in a good mood, and he does not partaker. The crowd gives him a great hand. They stay at the top of the stage. The crowd chants Bryan’s name. Bryan says he almost believed McMahon when she said she truly wanted Kane to stop. Bryan says he almost believed her, but everyone knows she’s full of crap. McMahon says she’s earned that, and she doesn’t blame him for thinking she’s disingenuous. McMahon wants to get honest. Her and Triple H never wanted Daniel Bryan to be the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, and they got a little out of control with their emotions. Bryan asks McMahon how she thinks his wife felt seeing all the things they did to him. Brie felt a lot of emotion, but he told her he could do it on his own. McMahon says he proved them wrong and became the champion.
McMahon said all she was trying to do was give her Director of Operations a backbone and also give Bryan a credible opponent at Extreme Rules, but Kane became the demon and went way too far. McMahon says she knows what it feels like to see her husband stretchered out of an arena and spend the night in the hospital. McMahon says that’s no way to see your husband, so she apologizes on behalf of her family and herself. She apologizes for unleashing Kane and for all the heartache they went through. The crowd boos. Bryan says he still thinks McMahon is full of crap. A huge YES chant breaks out. McMahon tells him to come down to the ring, look into her eyes, and be convinced otherwise. Bryan knows what he’ll see in her eyes: a liar. He knows that at the snap of her fingers, she could have Kane come out and attack him, perhaps do something to his wife. Bryan says his head hurts badly, and he can’t move his neck, but he’s never given up. The doctors have given him clearance for Extreme Rules this Sunday, and he won’t give up. He knows that McMahon thinks Kane will take him out, but he promises that if Kane takes him down, he’ll take him down with him straight to Hell.
McMahon says she doesn’t know where Kane is, but his mask has been locked up in her office. While Bryan can’t compete until Extreme Rules this Sunday, Brie can. McMahon can’t think of anything better than the two of them standing in the ring as champion. Tamina Snuka will be facing the WWE Divas Champion this Sunday, but who will be the champion? Will it be Paige or Brie? Brie is going to face Paige for the WWE Divas Championship. Bryan says he’s not letting Brie walk down there alone. McMahon says he’s allowed to be at ringside. McMahon says the match for the championship starts right now!
Brie Bella makes her way to the ring. She’ll face Paige for the WWE Divas Championship, next.
They show the box where Kane’s mask was, and the mask is no longer inside…
-Commercial Break-
WWE Divas Championship Brie Bella w/ Daniel Bryan vs. Paige (c)
They lock up, and Brie pushes her against the ropes. Paige powers out and applies a side headlock before hitting a takeover. Brie applies a leg-scissor, and Paige kips up out of it. Brie hits a snapmare and dropkicks her down for a one count. Paige kicks her in the midsection before pulling her hair. Paige throws her by the hair into the corner. Paige the stomps away at her before screaming wildly. Paige hits a Perfect-Plex for a two count. Brie elbows her in the face, and Paige sends her into the ropes. Paige knees away at Brie before screaming again. Brie kicks her in the head as she comes back in the ring, and Brie knees her in the face. Brie goes to the second rope, and Paige cuts her off. Paige then hits her with a superplex.
Kane’s pyro explodes, and Daniel Bryan stands in front of the ramp to protect his wife. All of a sudden, Kane breaks through the canvas and attempts to pull Brie under the ring. Bryan tries to save her, but Kane punches him away. Bryan comes back with more punches, and Kane crawls out of the hold to grab her. Bryan then gets in the ring with a monkey wrench, and he drill Kane in the face with it! Bryan checks on his wife, and Kane sits up. Bryan tells Brie to run, and Kane Chokeslams him down! Kane then corners Brie and grabs her by the leg. Kane gets into the hole, and Brie kicks out of his grip before leaving the ring. Kane gets out of the hole and sets off the pyro in the ring posts and the stage. Kane then laughs as Bryan and Brie clamor up the ramp with some officials.
No Contest Match Rating: 1/2 *
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see replays of what just happened with Kane, Daniel Bryan, and Brie Bella.
They show Daniel Bryan in the trainer’s room. Brie Bella is standing by his side, shaking. Stephanie McMahon comes in nearly crying. McMahon apologizes and says she didn’t know Kane was here. McMahon asks the trainer if Bryan can compete at Extreme Rules, and Bryan says he will be there. Bryan says she will regret dragging his wife into this. Brie then yells at Stephanie, “Get out of here, you bitch!”
They then show replays of Bray Wyatt with the children’s chorus from earlier in the evening.
Renee Young is outside John Cena’s dressing room, and she says he is ready to conduct an interview. Cena apologizes to Renee for earlier in the evening. Cena says it proves him right about Bray Wyatt. He’ll go to great lengths to manipulate and send his message. Cena says he was wrong about something tonight. Because of Wyatt’s mind games, he thought the WWE Universe turned their back on him, but he’s proud to know that they haven’t. There was noise, and noise means passion, passion is hope, hope is fight, and no one knows fight like John Cena. Cena says the mind games stop on Sunday, and he’ll put an end to Wyatt. Cena says he’ll have a gift for him on Sunday. Cena is going to get Wyatt a donkey. Cena says on Sunday, Wyatt won’t be singing. He’ll have his fist in his face, and his foot in his ass.
Bad News Barrett’s podium rises. Barrett says Rob Van Dam thinks he’s going to beat him and become the number one contender for the Intercontinental Championship, but he’s got some bad news for RVD. WWE’s slogan is “Then, now, forever.” RVD’s slogan should simply be “Then” because “then” is the last time that RVD was somewhat relevant. He was back in England in diapers the first time RVD won the WWE Intercontinental Championship. After he finishes with RVD, he’ll be in diapers drinking his meals through a straw thanks to him, “BNB.”
Bad News Barrett will face Rob Van Dam to determine who will face Big E for the WWE Intercontinental Championship at Extreme Rules, next.
-Commercial Break-
WWE Intercontinental Championship Tournament Finals Bad News Barrett vs. Rob Van Dam
They circle the ring and lock up. Barrett powers him to the corner, and he gives RVD a clean break. They circle the ring, and RVD wrenches the arm. Barrett punches him, but RVD takes him down with an arm drag. They circle the ring again, and RVD applies a waistlock. Barrett elbows out, and RVD comes back with a drop-toe-hold. RVD then hits a headlock takeover. Big E is seen watching backstage. Barrett fights up and whips RVD off. RVD holds on to the ropes, and he gets Barrett out of the ring by holding the top rope down. RVD dropkicks him down and hits a moonsault off the apron. RVD throws him into the ring and covers for a two count. RVD applies a side headlock, and Barrett rolls him for a one count. Barrett gets up, drives him into the ropes, and Barrett elbows him out of the ring. Barrett leaves the ring and sends him into the barricade before doing a “BNB” taunt. RVD then bounces him off the commentary table. Barrett rolls him back into the ring for a two count. Barrett punches him before sending him into the ropes, but he lowers his head and eats a kick. RVD rolls him up with his legs for a two count. RVD kicks him and gives him a shoulder thrust in the corner. Barrett reverses a whip to the opposite corner, and he counters a slingshot attempt with a kick to the ribs. RVD rolls out of the ring to recover.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see RVD trapped in a chin lock. RVD wills himself up, and he elbows out. RVD punches him before having a whip to the ropes reversed. RVD backflips over him, and Barrett immediately comes back with the Winds of Change for a near fall. Barrett goes to the second rope, and he drops an elbow for another near fall. Barrett clubs the back before putting him in the corner. Barrett then chokes him in the corner. Barrett then hits a swinging neckbreaker for a near fall. Barrett then goes back to the chin lock. Barrett turns it into a surfboard stretch, but RVD gets to his feet. RVD elbows out and rolls him up for a near fall. RVD then takes him down with a superkick.
RVD signals for Rolling Thunder, but Barrett gets to his feet. RVD clotheslines him down a few times before blocking a kick and hitting a step-over heel kick. Cesaro comes to the ring, and he gets on the apron. Jack Swagger then runs down and pulls him off the apron. Cesaro and Swagger fight around ringside. RVD ducks a Bull Hammer Elbow, and he hits Barrett with a roundhouse kick. RVD then hits the Rolling Thunder. RVD goes to the top rope, and he kicks Cesaro away as he tries to interfere. RVD then comes off the top with a Five Star Frog Splash, but Barrett gets the knees up! Barrett then hits him with the Bull Hammer for the win!
Winner by Pinfall: Bad News Barrett Bad News Barrett is the #1 Contender for the WWE Intercontinental Championship Match Rating: * 3/4
Bad News Barrett celebrates and leaves the ring. Cesaro then gets in the ring and stomps away at RVD. Swagger then hits the ring, and he attacks Cesaro before hitting a deadlift Gutwrench Powerbomb. Swagger then does the “We the people!” taunt. Swagger then turns his attention to RVD, and he punches away at him. RVD comes back with a kick and a springboard thrust kick. RVD then goes to the top rope and hits a Five Star Frog Splash on Cesaro! Paul Heyman does not look happy at ringside.
Big E will defend his WWE Intercontinental Championship against Bad News Barrett this Sunday at Extreme Rules.
They show a replay of The Shield’s vicious assault on six of the eleven superstars they were supposed to face on Friday Night Smackdown last week.
The Shield is seen backstage. Dean Ambrose says that time is ticking. At Extreme Rules, they’ll prove to Evolution that time has passed them by. The Hound of Justice will do what they always do – chew them up and spit them out. Seth Rollins says Evolution is all about control and power. They like to wear expensive things because they believe those are symbols of power. Those are just things that small men do to make themselves feel better. Rollins says they are the true symbol of power, and they prove it every night. Evolution will find out on Sunday what true power is. Roman Reigns says Randy Orton is always talking about how he’s the future, but from where he’s standing, he looks like the past. This is today, tomorrow, and the future. Believe that, and believe in The Shield.
Roman Reigns of The Shield will go one-on-one with Evolution’s Randy Orton, next.
-Commercial Break-
Dean Ambrose will defend his WWE United States Championship against Ryback, Curtis Axel, and Alberto Del Rio in a 3-on-1 handicap match this Friday on Smackdown.
Randy Orton makes his way to the ring alongside his Evolution partners, Triple H and Batista. They get in the ring, and Triple H takes a microphone. Triple H says on Friday, The Shield took out eleven guys. A part of him feels like he should be mad, but he isn’t. He’s actually impressed. The Shield reminds him of somebody: themselves. Randy Orton says The Shield thinks they’re the new Evolution, but there’s one problem with that. Batista says the problem is they’re still here, and they’ll never be them. Triple H says he brought The Shield into this world, and they’ll take them out of it. Triple H says on Sunday, they’ll either adapt or perish.
The Shield and Evolution stand across the ring from one another when all of a sudden, a big “WOO” comes through the speakers. “Also sprach Zarathustra” plays, and Ric Flair comes out to the ring to a tremendous reception. He’s in a suit and wearing sunglasses. Evolution gives him a round of applause and embraces him in the ring. Flair takes the microphone and smiles as the crowd cheers him. Flair asks if this is St. Louis, Missouri before asking if he’s ever been here before. Flair says he has, and he’s had a lot of fun.
Flair says he’s here to tell the world that it’s great to be in the ring with men that exude what the business is all about – dominance. He ran for years with the Four Horsemen. They ran wild, but they controlled the marketplace. They styled – WOO – and profiled. The same can be said for Evolution. Flair says he misses seeing Orton and Batista on Saturdays. Triple H would stay at home. Flair says he’s seen everything come full circle from his years on the road. Tonight, he’s surrounded with superstars that exemplify power, style, and grace. However, he’s now talking about is The Shield. Flair goes over and shakes their hands. Flair then leaves the ring and gives a big, “WOO!”
Randy Orton w/ Evolution vs. Roman Reigns w/ The Shield
The bell rings, and Reigns unloads on Orton with some right hands. Reigns beats him to the corner, but Orton comes back with some punches of his own. Orton pokes the eyes and throws him out of the ring. Orton punches away at him before attempting a suplex at ringside. Reigns counters, and he suplexes Orton at ringside again. Reigns puts him back into the ring, and Orton quickly gets out again. Reigns head-butts him before having a whip into the stairs reversed on him. Orton stares at Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins before daring them to attack. Orton bounces Reigns’ face off the steps before throwing him into the ring for a two count. Orton then applies a chin lock. Reigns fights up, and Orton reverses a whip into the ropes. Orton then clotheslines him over the top rope. Orton pulls him up to the apron and goes for a hanging DDT, but Reigns escapes the hold. Orton beats him to the corner and whips him to the opposite side. Reigns then explodes out with a clothesline.
Orton reverses a whip, and Reigns takes him down with a clothesline. Reigns clotheslines him in the corner and punches him down. Reigns gets out of the ring and stares at Triple H and Batista before hitting Orton with a running dropkick to the head. Reigns then signals for the Superman Punch. Batista distracts the referee, and Triple H grabs Reigns’ leg. Orton then hits him with his trademark backbreaker. Rollins and Ambrose then attack Batista and Triple H. Triple H throws Ambrose across the commentary table before helping Batista with Rollins. In the ring, Reigns hits Orton with a Superman Punch. Reigns then leaves the ring to attack Triple H and Batista. The referee calls for the bell.
No Contest Match Rating: * 1/4
Reigns tries to take them on, but Evolution eventually overpowers him. Batista grabs Ambrose and drives him into the commentary table. Batista then throws Rollins into the barricade. Batista and Triple H then whip Reigns into the steel steps. Orton and Batista pick up Ambrose and whip him into Triple H, who gives Ambrose a nasty spinebuster on the floor! Triple H then sends Rollins into the ring post. Orton does the same to Reigns. Evolution stands over a destroyed Shield at ringside before putting them in the ring. Triple H kicks away at Reigns as Orton concentrates on Ambrose. Triple H clotheslines Ambrose going for a Pedigree. Triple H is bleeding from the bridge of the nose. Rollins saves him with a springboard knee to the face. The Shield then takes out Orton and Batista! Reigns sets up in the corner, and he flattens Triple H with a huge Spear! The Shield celebrates wildly in the ring as Triple H writhes in pain. The Shield then go to give him a Triple Powerbomb, but they stop to cut off Batista and Orton, who were trying to come in the ring with steel chairs. Evolution retreats for higher ground as The Shield stands tall in the ring